Right Place, Right Time

I never doubt that I am placed in different places at different times for different reasons.   I have had several experiences over the last month that confirm that I am serving the exact school community that I am supposed to be serving.  I’ll share a couple of those experiences with you.
While in the midst of handling one mini crisis in the locker room a call came over the radio for campus monitor support in the auxiliary gym. I heard a campus monitor respond, so I continued what I was doing. I then heard a call for a female admin in the gym to help
support with a female student. I’m not a female, but I was willing to help in any way that I could. I got to the auxiliary gym and there are several PE teachers, a campus monitor, and a para professional all around a young lady who was sitting on the floor in tears. Unsure of what exactly was going on, I approached cautiously. I asked if there was any way that I could help, and was told that the student got upset, they were unsure what triggered her, but she was refusing to go to class. When the student saw me she immediately said, “Hi Charles. Can I have your phone?” I’m not sure who Charles is, but after she asked, she hopped up, and seemed to calm down. Her para gave her her personal cell phone, I asked if she was ready to go back to class, she said yes, then off we went. When we got there she said, “Bye Charles, see you later!” Right place, right time.

A few months ago my church had a major event with a very prominent local guest speaker delivering the Sunday talk.  At the talk the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) had a table describing what they do and how their mission is to bring the gospel to students to help them develop their own personal relationship with God.  FCA played a major role in my development as a young man.  I was a member of the football team “huddle” (gathering) when I was in college.  The group gave me the comfort of the spirit filled community that I needed to make it through a challenging season in my life.  Since I got into education I thought it would be powerful to help bring FCA to my school campus to provide that same type of support for my students.  I supported and participated in the FCA Huddle that was established and led by two of my colleagues at my last high school.  I am happy to say that we’ve established a huddle at my current school and I’ve been selected, by the students, to be the advisor.  Right place, right time.

There are examples every day that I see and feel that show me that I am where I am supposed to be.  I hope every educator is taking the time to realize that they are at their school for a reason.   That conversation that they have with a colleague, student or parent is vital to that person in some way that they’ll never know.  The special twist you put on a lesson is exactly what your students need.  Bringing in a new resource is helping build a love of learning that your school community needs.  You are where you are supposed to be.  As the school year comes to a close I reflect on all the little ways that I’ve been shown that I’m in the right place, at the right time.


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