A Healthy Self-Image – Better Leaders Better Schools Roadmap Reflection

     I loved the Better Leaders Better Schools Road Map.  I began listening to the  Better Leaders Better Schools in 2015 and have been hooked on Danny’s content since.  The passion and knowledge that he brings to what he does even drew me into the Mastermind a little over a year ago.  I could write a book based on all the little nuggets that I’ve learned from him and my Mastermind colleagues (lightbulb), but I won’t do that here, all you need to know is that I am a better leader because of Danny’s vision and action.
     Now getting back into the book, there is so much great content, but the quote that stood out to me and has resonated with me the most comes from early in the book, Chapter 5, Healthy Self-Image.  The chapter opens with the question “Are You (In)adequate?” We are often our harshest critics, but Danny uses this chapter to share tools to help us combat these feelings of inadequacy. Though there are many great quotes in the chapter the one that I’ve clung to is, “A healthy self-image is a prerequisite for greatness and accomplishing your dreams.”
     I am great. I am a great husband, father, follower, and leader.  I’m not trying to be conceited or boastful, even though it may sound that way.  I need to say those words to myself more than I need you to hear them.  It has taken me a long time to not only be able to say those words, but more importantly to believe them.  I could go into my life story and my struggles and challenges, but the bottom line is, I faced those times (often alongside others) and overcame, and I’m still doing it every single day.  I have had to establish routines in my life to get to this point because the day-to-day grind can and has had me in a place where I was isolated, feeling like I couldn’t accomplish anything, and that I wasn’t meant to accomplish anything.
I have an amazing amount of pride in being an educator and an American, but our country was not built on an image of black male greatness. I’m a history guy, and I could go back to the founding of our country, but I can stay within my lifetime for examples of what our country has thought of people that look like me. Look at the media back when I was growing up.  I remember Presidents Reagen and Bush talking about the “War on Drugs” and seeing images of gangs violence plastered on newspaper front pages and the nightly news.  There were always negative images of black males.  I didn’t understand the message then, but I was internalizing it.  Even today, although I’ve seen a lot of changes in the past few years, in most tv shows and movies who are your villains and who are your heroes?
Growing up I had a few positive black male role models in my family (my dad as a tech business owner and stepdad as a bank executive) and in my dad’s fraternity (now my fraternity as well), but at school I never saw a black male in the classroom or at school at all.  Even though I didn’t see educators that looked like me, the educators that I did see took actions to show that they saw greatness in me and inspired me to follow in their foot steps.
     Now, as a black male educator and leader I often feel isolated because I look around at my site or at district management meetings, and there aren’t very many people (often times none) that look like me.  Part of the routine that I’ve established to I fight that isolation is through virtual connections. Podcasts (like Better Leaders Better Schools), my PLF ( Professional/Personal Learning Family) on Twitter (shout out to #RJLeagueChat, #EduGladiator and #BMEsTalk) and Voxer, and of course the Mastermind.
     During the 2017-2018 school year I had an amazing routine that kept me grounded and focused, which led me to feel great every day.  Part of that routine was being a part of Danny’s Mastermind cohort.  I woke up early, usually between 3:45 and 4am, had My Time.  I started with my devotional (read a bible passage and unpacked it to determine how to use it that day), then I would work out (run or some sort of exercise), then get ready for school.  This was the first time that I was really consistent in my practice and ended the year the strongest that I’ve ever felt.
     Over the summer I had the opportunity to serve as High School Summer School Principal.  It was an awesome experience getting to connect and support staff and students from across the district, but the downside was that I was unable to keep to my Summer routine of spending quality time with my children. Another downside was the fact that Summer School ended on Friday, and I had to report back to school for the start of the new school year on Monday.  I really didn’t get the break that I truly needed.  Worst of all, over the Summer and into the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year I stopped taking My Time.  I really feel like the lack of a break and cutting out My Time got me off to a very slow start this school year even though I was still in my amazing Mastermind.  I was missing emails, and meetings, and not communicating effectively at all.  In fact, one of my colleagues noticed and called me on it!  My lack of productivity and focus really impacted that relationship, but it was a wakeup call for where I was and where I need to go. So, within the last two months I’ve been diligent about taking My Time and I’ve noticed my ability to focus and accomplish my daily goals has increased exponentially.  Am I perfect? Not even close! But I feel better about who I am and who I am continuing to evolve into.  That healthy self-image is back! I feel great. I realize that greatness is really a journey, and I’m excited to see where this journey takes me.
     My challenge to you is to find that routine, that system that will help you improve your self-image.  It could be meditation, journaling, exercise, scheduling your day, carving out family time, or connecting with others and increasing your community. Take the time to find whatever it is that you need to reach your highest level of greatness.

4 thoughts on “A Healthy Self-Image – Better Leaders Better Schools Roadmap Reflection

  1. Loved reading this post & your perspective! It was also good affirmation for me and my morning routine – which is nearly identical to what you described (including the 3:45 or 4:00 wakeup time)! Sometimes I feel selfish taking those hours for myself, but it really does have a huge effect on the rest of my day!

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